E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v11.no2.2025.pg14.26

The Essentials of Leadership Skills for Administrative Leaders at Various Levels in the National Assembly of Lao PDR

Khamkieo Phommavong, Dr Chiv Ratha


This research explores the leadership skills required for leaders at different levels within the National Assembly of Lao PDR. By utilizing a quantitative approach and survey methodology, it identifies and analyzes the importance of conceptual, human, and technique skills across various leadership hierarchies. The analysis was conducted using EFA and CFA. This study explores leadership skills and their interrelations, using a 5-point Likert-scale survey that measured various leadership levels among 240 leaders. The significant findings of leadership skills variables were validated using the EFA method with a KMO of 0.865 and MSA >0.5. Three categories of leadership skills were identified by Factor Analysis Extraction, using the Maximum Likelihood method and Varimax Rotation: Conceptual Skills (vision, political, problem-solving, and decision-making), Human Skills (motivation, ethics, adaptability, interpersonal, and development), and Technical Skills (ICT, administration, coaching, service, and expertise). The relationships between leadership skills variables confirming the model’s strong fit to the data were examined using the CFA method, yielding a model CMIN of 104.787 with df 68, CMIN/DF 1.541, and p=0.03. Fit indices included GFI 0.965, CFI 0.985, NFI 0.959, and RMSEA 0.048. Covariances reflect the relationships between the latent variables: conceptual and human skills at 0.66, conceptual and technical skills at 0.66, and human and technical skills at 0.78. The relationship between leadership skills and leaders was assessed by marginal means estimation. As leaders ascend the organizational levels, conceptual skills show the most significant increase, followed by human skills at the middle levels, and technical skills at the primary levels.


Leaders, Leadership, National Assembly of Lao PDR, Skills


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