Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )
E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 11 NO. 2 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jbae.v11.no2.2025.pg27.47
The study investigates the impact of cost leader strategies on the competitive advantage of entrepreneurial firms in Delta State, Nigeria, with a focused analysis on three local government areas: Ukwani LGA, Oshimili LGA, and Aniocha LGA. The research examines how strategic outsourcing, logistical optimization, and operational efficiency—identified as critical proxies— contribute to achieving and sustaining a competitive advantage. Therefore, a sample size of Sixty three (63) respondents from a population of seventy five (75) members of the selected entrepreneurial firms from the three local Government areas in Delta State. The result shows that: Strategic Outsourcing has a significant effect on the competitive advantage of Entrepreneurial firms in Delta State, (Coef. = 0.15015, p = 0.000). Operational Efficiency has a significant effect on competitive advantage of selected Entrepreneurial firms in Delta state, (Coef. = 0.21453, p = 0.000). And that Logistical Optimization has a significant effect on competitive advantage of selected Entrepreneurial firms in Delta state (Coef. = 0.23681, p = 0.000). The study concludes that by strategically deploying outsourcing, enhancing operational efficiency, and optimizing logistics, these firms can effectively navigate competitive pressure, capitalize on market opportunities, and sustain long-term growth in their respective industries. The study recommends that Entrepreneurial firms should conduct regular assessments to identify non-core functions suitable for outsourcing to specialized vendors. Emphasis should be placed on selecting partners aligned with strategic objectives and maintaining collaborative relationships. Continuous monitoring and performance evaluations are essential to ensure outsourcing arrangements contribute effectively to cost reduction, operational agility, and overall competitive advantage.
Cost leader strategy, Competitive advantage, Entrepreneurial firms, strategic outsourcing, operational efficiency
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