E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijmcs.v8.no5.2024.pg38.48
Bello Abubakar & Blessing Francis Buba
This study assesses the extent of the application of information and communication technology in the marketing of library services offering outreach services in Libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, this research makes use of previously collated information and employs text analytical techniques to understand the relevance of modern technological aids in enhancing library operations. It highlights the range of technologies the marketing of library services can employ together with websites, social networks, email, and mobile applications to increase user participation and improve service provision. These technologies have now started being embraced by Libraries in North Eastern Nigeria enabling them to offer additional services. Nonetheless, other factors such as inadequate funds for proper marketing, insufficiently qualified staff, lack of sustained reliable internet connections and frequent electricity supply have blocked effective integration of ICT marketing strategies. These findings reveal the need for proper planning, access to funds, and staff development to mitigate these barriers. The report also shows that there is real potential for modern information technologies to be adequately used by Libraries to meet the needs of the target users more effectively. Recommended solutions include greater financial provision for appropriate equipment and integration of technology in libraries, regular meetings with librarians and training for employees, and collaboration with stakeholders to tackle infrastructure problems. Working the above strategies university libraries in North-eastern Nigeria may harness the potential of IT to boost the visibility and accessibility of their services, eventually leading to enhanced user satisfaction and resource utilization.
Information technology, library services, marketing, university libraries, North-eastern
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