E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173

International Journal of Marketing and Communication Studies (IJMCS) is an open-access, international, peer-reviewed journal published monthly by the International Institute of Academic Research and Development (IIARD). It provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise in the fields of Marketing and Communication Studies.

IJMCS publishes high-quality theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, and technical notes. All submissions are subject to a thorough peer review process to ensure the quality and accuracy of the content.

IJMCS is available both online and in print, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. It is committed to providing valuable insight and perspectives into the latest developments and trends in Marketing and Communication Studies, and to help shape the future of the field.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts in areas of Marketing and Communication Studies and other related areas that are not limited to:

-Consumer Behavior
-Digital Marketing
-Market Research
-Marketing Strategy
-Public Relations
-Social Media Marketing
-Marketing Analytics
-Media Planning
-Data-Driven Marketing
-Content Marketing
-Direct Marketing
-Event Marketing
-Media Relations
-Mobile Marketing
-Promotional Marketing
-Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
-Visual Communication
-Crisis Communications
-Influencer Marketing
-International Marketing
-Marketing Automation
-Product Management
-Publicity -Relationship Marketing
-Social Media Management
-Word of Mouth Marketing
-Creative Strategy
-Data Analysis
-Experiential Marketing
-Integrated Marketing Communications
-Marketing Communications Planning
-Organizational Communications

-Promotional Campaigns
-Psychology of Marketing
-Research Methods
-Strategic Planning
-Value Creation
-Audience Insights
-Business Writing
-Copy Editing
-Creative Direction
-Data Visualization
-Financial Analysis
-Graphic Design
-Market Segmentation
-Organizational Development
-Packaging Design
-Point of Purchase Design
-Product Development
-Retail Design
-Social Media Analytics
-User Experience Design
-Viral Marketing
-Web Design
-Brand Management
-Business Communications
-Campaign Management
-Content Curation
-Data Mining
-Digital Storytelling
-Global Marketing
-Lead Generation
-Marketing Channel Management
-Marketing Law
-Sustainable Marketing
-Technology Marketing
-User Interface Design
-Video Production
-Web Analytics

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The DOI of this journal is: https://doi.org/10.56201/IJMCS

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