E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 9 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/ijmcs.v8.no5.2024.pg1.14

Entrepreneurial Marketing's pivotal role in transforming the Customer Experience and Satisfaction

Ernest Jebolise Chukwuka (Ph.D.) and Peter Abude (Ph.D.)


This paper investigated the Entrepreneurial marketing's pivotal role in transforming the customer experience and satisfaction. This study is the first to attempt to demonstrate how entrepreneurial marketing dimensions can increase customer experience, customer value and customer satisfaction.The finding of this paper after an extant and explorative review of over 120 related researches that used empirical and qualitative methods proved that there is a direct connection between Entrepreneurial marketing, Customer value, experience and satisfaction. This means that entrepreneurial marketing can lead to customer experience and satisfaction as well as foster customer value. The findings are consistent with entrepreneurial marketing's beneficial effects on customer value. This paper found that Entrepreneurial Marketing has overwhelming influence on external environment which drives customer experience, value and satisfaction more than the traditional marketing. Additionally, the current study adds to the existing research by taking into account the mechanism of providing customer value and experience in translating the entrepreneurial marketing dimension of customer satisfaction. Finally, we take into consideration the context of exporting firms, which was not adequately addressed in the entrepreneurial marketing setting previously. These findings further contribute to the current understanding of entrepreneurial marketing resources to support and showcase creative strategies, as well as to showcase their business in a creative way by launching creative goods and relevant ads.


Entrepreneurial marketing, Customer experience, Customer satisfaction, Customer


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