E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 11 NO. 1 2025
DOI: 10.56201/jpslr.v11.no1.2025.pg1.12
Muhammed Sani IDRIS, Adebimpe Saheed FAGBEMI, PhD
This study evaluates the role of inter-agency collaboration in strengthening internal security in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Adopting a desktop publishing methodology to synthesize and present insights. The research examines the extent to which collaborative efforts between sister agencies enhance operational efficiency, reduce severance, and address internal security menace effectively. Drawing from secondary data sources, including policy documents, academic literature, and reports from security agencies, the study identifies key factors that influence inter- agency coordination, such as communication systems, intelligence sharing, and joint operational strategies. Desktop publishing methodology enables a structured presentation of findings through visually engaging formats, enhancing accessibility for policymakers and stakeholders. The research highlights critical gaps in recent practices, proposing actionable recommendations to foster synergy among sister agencies. It concludes that improved inter-agency collaboration significantly strengthens internal security measures, contributing to a safer and more stable environment in Kaduna State, Nigeria. This approach accentuates the potential of desktop publishing as a methodological tool in security studies, offering a novel lens for analyzing and disseminating complex inter-agency dynamics.
Collaboration, Inter-Agency, Intelligence Sharing, Internal Security, Kaduna State
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