E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 10 NO. 12 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijgem.v10.no12.2024.pg171.184

Integrating Climate Change Education in Chemistry into the Secondary School Curriculum in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

ZUDONU, Onisoman Chuks, Ph.D., IKWUT, Emmanuel Friday., OSEZUA, K. O., NKISA, Osiagor Destiny & IRORO, Patricia Eseoghene


Climate change is a serious global issue with significant effects on the Niger Delta region, known for its rich biodiversity and vulnerability to environmental damage. This paper looks at the importance of including climate change education in the secondary school chemistry curriculum in the Niger Delta. The study used a qualitative research design, specifically a case study method. A purposive sampling technique selected 90 participants. Data was gathered through semi- structured interviews and focus group discussions with curriculum planners, policymakers, teachers, and students to answer the three research questions guiding the study. The findings led to discussions on the reasons, challenges, and strategies for integrating climate change topics into chemistry education to promote environmental awareness and empower students to help mitigate climate change effects. It is recommended that curriculum planners involve climate change experts to provide the necessary content for the chemistry curriculum and that chemistry teachers receive training to effectively teach this curriculum.


climate change education, chemistry curriculum, secondary schools, Niger Delta


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