Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )

E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/jbae.v10.no4.2024.pg1.23

Effect of Differentiation Strategy on Marketing Performance of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Abraka, Delta State

Eboh, M.E., Edeme N.C., DIBIE, Nkechi Patricia


Firms within the same industry have been selling products that are good substitutes for each other, yet it is commonly the case that no firm within the industry sells a product that is identical to that sold by a competing firm. Product differentiation occurs within the products sold by a single seller and between the products sold by different sellers. The overall objective of this study sought to analyze product differentiation and its effects on a marketing performance using selected fast moving consumer goods firms in Abraka, Delta State. The specific objectives were to; establish the effect of product differentiation on marketing performance, determine the effect of distribution channels differentiation on marketing performance, assess the effect of market differentiation on marketing performance and determine the effect of process differentiation on marketing performance. The study adopted cross sectional survey research design method. The target population was 224employees of selected FMCG firms from different locations in Abraka Delta State. The study adopted a semi-structured questionnaire to collect primary data. Descriptive statistics such as means, standard deviation and frequency distribution were used to analyze the data. Qualitative data, which was mainly gathered from open and close ended questions. The data was consolidated, interpreted and then analyzed through content analysis. Regression analysis helped the study to establish the statistical significance of differentiation strategy in achieving marketing performance. Data analyzed revealed that The study's findings from the test of hypothesis one indicate product differentiation has a significant effect on marketing performance (0.024 <0.05). The result of distribution channel differentiation have significant effect on marketing performance (0.030 <0.05), the result of market differentiation and marketing performance (0.020< 0.05) and the result of hypothes


Differentiation strategy, Marketing performance, fast food moving consumer goods, product differentiation, distribution channels differentiation, market differentiation


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