E-ISSN 2545-5702
P-ISSN 2695-2157
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijelcs.v9.no3.2024.pg37.54

Port Harcourt Residents’ Perception of “Ogoni Clean Up Show on Rhythm 93.7 Fm” for Remediation of Oil Impacted Sites in Ogoni Land

OSIKA, Tamuno Matthew, OCHONOGOR, Christopher Ifeakachukwu, NWACHUKWU, Fautinus Ginikanwa


This study was premised on how the perception influences the remediation work in Ogoni land. The major problem is the imminent undermining of the remediation work on oil-impacted sites in Ogoni land in the event of message misinterpretation in the communication process between HYPREP and Ogonis occasioned by negative perception of the radio programme in focus. Thus, the study investigated Port Harcourt residents’ perception of Ogoni clean-up show on Rhythm 93.7 FM for the remediation of oil-impacted sites in Ogoni land. To tackle this problem, the main objective of the study is to determine Port Harcourt residents’ perception of the Ogoni clean-up show on Rhythm 93.7 FM and to identify the hindrances to the use of the programme. The study also reviewed some literatures on related concepts, empirical studies and theories, such as the top-bottom perception theory to explain phenomena. The study adopted the survey research design and a mixed method to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from 385 respondents which were presented and analysed. Findings revealed ineffectiveness of the programme and detrimental impact of negative perception of the programme on the remediation work. To this end, the study concludes that Port Harcourt residents’ perception is that, the programme is not very effective for the remediation work of oil-impacted sites in Ogoni land. In view of this, the study recommends that the programme should be focused on addressing sensitive, negative perceptions in the audience to prevent reactions that can undermine the remediation work.


Port Harcourt Residents, Perception, Ogoni Clean Up Show, Rhythm 93.7


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