E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijmcs.v8.no3.2024.pg110.130

Internal Marketing Strategies and Consumer Satisfaction: Evidence from Selected Manufacturing Firms in South West Nigeria

IYADI, Rollins Chiyem PhD and EMOGHENE, Efe Andrew


This paper focused on the influence of internal marketing (IM) strategies on customer satisfaction (CS) in selected manufacturing firms in South-West, Nigeria. The general purpose of this study was to determine the effect of IM strategies on CS with evidence from selected manufacturing firms in south west Nigeria. The research questions and hypothesis were formulated to work with the research objective. The study used a survey research design with a sample size of 177 respondents selected from the 319 total populations. A structured questionnaire that was given to the respondents served as the main data collection tool. Simple percentage analysis and simple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the data that were gathered. Findings indicated that, at the 0.05 level of significance, the IM strategies component had a statistically significant impact on CS (X1= R2 = 666 and X2 = 763). The study comes to the conclusion that the employer branding strategy and internal communication (IC) components of IM strategies are relational aspects that influence CS based on the analysis's findings. Managers should be trained in effective communication techniques to ensure they convey information clearly and listen to their team's needs and feedback. As a result, it is advised that manufacturing implement regular and transparent communication channels, such as internal newsletters, intranet platforms, and team meetings, to keep employees updated on important information and changes. By taking these steps, you'll lessen uncertainty, raise staff morale, and ultimately improve customer service.


IM Strategies, IC, Employer Branding, CS


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