E-ISSN 2545-529X
P-ISSN 2695-2475
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjmcit.v10.no4.2024.pg62.74

Awareness of South-East Residents on the Functions of Eastern Security Network Activities

GEORGE, Nneoma Nora, UDOUDO, Aniefiok Jackson and NWACHUKWU, Fautinus Ginikanwa


This study evaluated the awareness of South-East residnets on the functions of the Eastern Security Network activities. The research design adopted for this study was the descriptive survey design. The population of this study, according to the National Population Commission, 2006 population census of South-Eastern States aged from 18 and above, stood at 10,421,081. The Krejcie and Morgan Table was used to determine the sample size of 384 and the study made use of instrument - questionnaire. The quantitative method of data analysis was presented using statistical tools as tables of weighted mean score (WMS) based on a 4- Point Likert- Scale. Findings from the study revealed that the extent residents of the South-east were aware of the functions of Eastern Security Network were high. The Eastern Security Network activitie often revolves around advocating for the secession of the Igbo-dominated South-eastern region from Nigeria. The study indicated high level of awareness among people in the South-east regarding the functions of the Eastern Security Network (ESN), which was in alignment with IPOB’s secessionist agenda. Based on the findings, the study recommended that efforts should be made to address the underlying grievances driving support for separatist movements, while ensuring effective communication to counter propaganda and promote national unity.


Awareness, Sotuh-East Residents, Functions, Eastern Security Network, Activities


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