E-ISSN 2545-529X
P-ISSN 2695-2475
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/rjmcit.v10.no4.2024.pg109.131

Awareness And Knowledge of Mobile Authentication Service in Detecting Fake Pharmaceutical Product in South-East, Nigeria

NJOKU, Chinwe Celine, IHEJIRIKA Walter Chikwendu (PhD) and OHIAGU, Obiageli Pauline, (Ph.D)


Health communication campaigns are often deployed to disseminate information to the public on important health matters. One of such health matters is the issue of counterfeit pharmaceutical products. The study examined the knowledge, attitude, and practices of residents in South-East Nigeria on the Mobile Authentication Service (MAS) in detecting counterfeit pharmaceutical products. Specific objectives also sought to identify media-related sources of awareness on the mobile authentication service in South East Nigeria. The study was anchored on the diffusion of innovations theory, Social cognitive theory and Health belief model and adopted the survey research design. The sample size for the study was 384. The sampling techniques used were purposive, cluster and accidental sampling technique. Findings from the study showed that South- East residents have a high level of knowledge on counterfeit pharmaceutical products though they do not understand all of its dimensions. The media-related sources of awareness on the Mobile Authentication service for South- East residents were the Internet, which was the major source. Mainstream channels of communication such as radio and television negligibly served as sources of information and awareness. The level of knowledge South East residents have of the Mobile Authentication device is low. South East residents had positive attitude towards the Mobile Authentication service of NAFDAC. South East residents in the use of the Mobile Authentication Service, put into practice the use of the service in detecting counterfeit pharmaceutical products. Though not used frequently, the steps in utilizing the service were put in practice and respondents agreed to sourcing for help in utilizing the service. The study recommended that The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration must improve on its campaign on the Mobile Authentication Service so as to boost the level of knowledge South East r


Awareness, Knowledge, Mobile, Authentication, Services, Detecting, Fake,


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