E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 10 NO. 7 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijgem.v10.no7.2024.pg17.33

A Spatio-Topographical Analysis of Mobile Network Quality in the Rocky Settlements of Dutsin-Ma Town, Katsina State

Amir Abdulazeez and Christopher Ndabula


The Research is aimed at identifying the spatial distribution and variation of mobile phones network quality in the study area which is dominated by irregular topography, inselbergs and rock outcrops. To achieve this aim, fifty (50) sampled areas were selected in Dutsin-Ma Town based on the nature of their rugged terrain and rocky landscape. Smart phones were used to collect Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) data using systematic grid sampling technique to determine the network strength of MTN, GLOBACOM, AIRTEL, and ETISALAT. A total of one hundred (100) structured questionnaires were also distributed to residents to obtain the necessary information to validate the results from users’ perspective. The research found out that generally Dutsin-Ma is a not a town with good network as average (48%) and poor (36%) network quality dominates the area; only 16% of the areas have good network quality. From the questionnaire survey, majority (43%) of the respondents are using MTN because of its high quality and resistance especially in areas with rock outcrops. It was also found that areas around Motel, Gidan Ruwa, Hayin Gada, all of relatively moderate relief (512-578m) has the best Network; Unguwar Tsamiya, Dan Kauye and Tsohuwar Kasuwa have average Network while areas like Unguwar Alkali and Unguwar Wakaji have poor network quality. It was therefore concluded that network challenges in some areas have (in addition to other factors) a strong connection with elevation, rugged terrain and rocky landscape. However, in some few instances (Kadangaru and Makarantar Gabas), quality of some network like GLO and Airtel increases with altitude. It was also found that rugged terrains constitute a barrier to successful installation of masts in many locations. The research recommended adequate town and landuse planning that will ensure improved spatial distribution of masts for quality phone signals of all networks across Dutsin-Ma area.


Elevation, Landscape, Network, Environment, Determinism, Possibilism


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