E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024
DOI: 10.56201/ijbfr.v10.no4.2024.pg68.81

The Impact of Cyber-Crimes on Depositors Accounts in Some Selected Deposit Money Banks in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Alhaji Kawugana PhD, Shuaibu Said Abdullahi, Ayanwuyi Johnson


This study examines the impact of cyber-crimes on depositors’ accounts in some selected deposit money banks in Kaduna State, Nigeria. In Nigeria today, several internet crimes known as cybercrimes are committed or perpetrated on daily basis and in various forms such as electronic spam mails, identity theft, hacking, BVN Scam, Web Jacking, cyber stalking, phishing among others. Cybercrime is a threat against various individuals/institutions and people, most especially depositors who are connected to the internet for their daily transactions. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of cybercrimes on depositor’s account of some selected Deposit Money Banks. To achieve this objective, three (3) research questions and two hypotheses were formulated; Data were collected from both primary and secondary source judgmental sampling method was used to select some deposit money banks customers , out of the 206 questionnaires distributed, 200 questionnaires were utilized, while descriptive statistics, correlation matrix and panel data analysis (Random-effect GLS regression techniques) were utilized as analytical tools in the study with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS ).To analyse the data obtained, frequency and simple percentage and regression analysis was used. This study reveals that different types of cyber-crimes have an impact on depositor’s accounts and on Nigerian banking industry and it has have a negative impact on online banking transactions. The impact of this kind of crime can be felt on the lives, economy and international reputation of a nation. Hence, the study concludes that there is a high level of banking cybercrime activities in Kaduna state, banks online protocols against banking cybercrime activities in Kaduna is adequate, Fight against banking cybercrimes in Kaduna by the related agencies is below expectation, poor Financial literacy and low knowledge of internet operation are the major causes of banking cybercrimes in


Cybercrime, Deposit Money Banks, Depositors Account, Internet


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