E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijbfr.v10.no3.2024.pg63.85

Effect of Employee’s Contract Engagement on Organization Performance in First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State, Nigeria

Nwosu, N. F., Dialoke, I. & Otuokere, I .C.


The study focused on the Effect of Employees Contract Engagement on Organisational Performance with respect to First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State. The study used descriptive statistics design. Copies of questionnaire were administered to targeted respondents who are the employees of First Bank of Nigeria Plc in. Abia State. Two objectives of the study are: to determine the effect of terms or conditions of engagement (wages and Health care) on Productivity (output) of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State. Examine the effect of employees' responsibility (customer retention) on Profit of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State. The populations of the target respondents were 203 employees, where Taro Yamane was adopted to derive the sample size of 134. Objective one was analyzed using primary data while, objective 2 was analyzed with secondary data gotten from the First Bank of Nigeria PLc Brochure. The findings revealed that; Terms or conditions of engagement (wages and health care) has significant effect on productivity of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State. Employees' responsibility (customer retention) has significant effect on profit of First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Abia State. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made; since terms and conditions of engagement is positive to productivity. The management of First Bank of Nigeria Plc in Abia State should continue to improve on the terms or conditions of engaging employees in the bank especially with, respect to employees' contact engagement. It is important to note that the employees' responsibility (customer retention) of First Bank of Nigeria Plc needs to be adopted, the most efficient administrative service that would be beneficial to all her employees' contract engagement and selection policies into the Nigerian banking sector should be unfettered.


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