International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 10 NO. 4 2024

Remediating Students’ Misconception and Achievement in Basic Science via Science Writing Heuristics and Peer Review Instructional Strategies in Delta State

ODEBALA, Eseoghene, UMUKORO, Ogheneovo Emmanuel


The research adopted quasi-experimental design. Treatment groups were formed from intact classes. It had three groups: two experimental and one control. The students in the first experimental group were taught Basic Science using science writing heuristics instructional strategy (SWHIS), while the students in the second experimental group received instruction using peer review instructional strategy (PRIS). The students in the control group received instruction utilizing conventional lecture instructional strategy (LIS). The three groups were pre- and post- tested before and after treatment. The study included a population of 174,570 students enrolled in the JSII. The study included a total of 328 SSII Basic Science students from six public co- educational secondary schools in Delta State. The schools were chosen through the implementation of a simple random sampling technique. Two-Tier Basic Science Test (TTBST) was used for data collection in this study. TTBST was used to measure students’ misconception and achievement in Basic Science. Face validity of the TTBST was determined by three specialists. Content validity was determined using a table of specifications. The discriminating and difficulty indices of the instrument were determined to prove construct validity. TTBST reliability was


Misconception, Ach


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