E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024

Socio-Economic and Political Effects of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Strike Action and the Challenges of Good Governance

BABATOLA, Adeleye Marcus (Ph.D), ADEYEMI, Paul Adeniyi (Ph.D), OLAWUNMI Samson Dare


This paper argues that the formation and operation of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has been characterized with various partisan politics such that the Congress has lost its focus on essentialities. Indeed, this has been one of the major challenges militating against good governance and sustainable development in Nigeria which is a principal road block to socio- political and economic development in the country. However, efforts at ensuring violent free society characterized with good governance have always been in vain due to the ravaging storm of corruption and other vices that post further challenges. It appears as if the mechanism put in place to checkmate the consequential effects of these vices have not yielded the expected results as every Nigerian is seemed to have been imbibed with the culture of politicking and corruption. As a corollary, it is further examined that politicking is a rape on good governance, political institution and development thus working against societal integration. Hence, it is not uncommon to submit that the NLC has not demonstrated its readiness to act an agent of change which is said to have been known for. The study employs the use of both primary and secondary sources to generate the needed data for interrogation. The data sources are further reinforced with the administration of questionnaires and oral interview with relevant stakeholders and members of the public to elicit more information with a view to providing lasting solutions to challenges confronting public administration and good governance in Nigeria.


Good Governance, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Corruption, and Under- development.


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