E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v10.no3.2024.pg370.412

Oil Spillage in Nigeria’s Coastal Waters: Review of Causes, Effects and Mitigation

Jacob, O.J., Amadike, M.P., Nwanesi, F.O., Ogbonna, C.G., Ibeneme, S.I. and Okeke, O.C.


This paper highlights the impact of oil spill containment measures on ecosystems and human activities is a crucial aspect of environmental management. This study explores the multifaceted consequences of oil spill containment efforts, considering both positive and negative effects. Successful containment strategies aim to minimize the environmental impact of spills by preventing the spread of oil and facilitating efficient cleanup. However, the use of containment technologies, such as dispersants and booms, may have ecological repercussions, influencing marine life and habitats. Positive impacts include the reduction of immediate harm to marine organisms and coastal ecosystems through prompt containment. Additionally, effective containment measures can limit the extent of shoreline pollution, preserving vital habitats and minimizing disruptions to fisheries and tourism. On the other hand, the deployment of certain containment methods may introduce chemicals or alter the balance of ecosystems, leading to unintended consequences. This study also delves into the long-term effects of oil spill containment, considering the potential persistence of pollutants in the environment and the challenges associated with complete remediation. Furthermore, it explores the socio-economic impacts on communities dependent on marine resources and tourism, emphasizing the need for comprehensive approaches that balance environmental protection with sustainable human activities. This paper also highlights some of the mitigation measures including Remote Sensing, Air Curtains and Geo Textiles. Understanding the holistic impact of oil spill containment measures is essential for refining strategies, enhancing response preparedness, and fostering a resilient coexistence between human activities and the natural environment.

Oil Spill, Remote Sensing, Coastal waters, Pollution, Mitigation and Advanced Booms


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