Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )

E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024

International Human Resource Management Trends, Future Challenges & Solution

Barrah, Gladys Chinwendu


In the ever-changing global environment of today, multinational corporations (MNCs) encounter a significant hurdle. This paper delves into the examination of pivotal trends and hurdles in managing international human resources (IHRM) within MNCs. Utilizing recent scholarly works and expert insights; the research identifies six prominent patterns influencing IHRM strategies: digital transformation, talent cultivation, establishment of employer reputation, adaptability, fostering diversity and inclusivity, and ongoing educational initiatives. These trends underscore the dynamic nature of global commerce, underscoring the necessity of harnessing technology, nurturing human capital, and fostering inclusive environments to propel organizational achievement. Nevertheless, MNCs encounter diverse obstacles in integrating these trends, encompassing limitations in resources, cultural disparities, talent scarcities, concerns regarding data security, and the complexities of gauging impact and return on investment. To confront these challenges, the research advocates for strategic approaches including alignment of objectives, investment in technology, adept management of change, collaborative ventures, and continual enhancement. Through the adoption of these strategies, MNCs can cultivate resilient, inclusive, and high-performing entities primed for success in a globalized marketplace.


IHRM, Performance Management, Transformation, Change Management


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