E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 10 NO. 3 2024
DOI: doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v10.no3.2024.pg196.210

Spatial Distribution Coverage of Municipal Water Supply in the Jos-Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria

S.Onoja, J.I Agene, I.B. Abba and A.U. Esther


Effective distribution of water supply in urban centres is a pivotal measure in attaining a more sustainable water supply amidst the expanding population of a metropolitan region. In order to improve the extent of water distribution, it is imperative to analyze the spatial distribution coverage of municipal water supply in the Jos metropolis of Plateau state this reseaerch propose tracing the water facilities, river catchment and buffering water distribution network in the region. it employed descriptive method of qualitative and quantitative data collection that was subjected to GIS procudeure of georeferencing,geodata base and creation of digized maps using ArcGIS10.4 for density analysis of the pipeline network system. The findings revealed that Plateau Water Service Corperation (PSWC) has six dams, four treatment plants and 8 reservoirs to supply water to 25115 households through pipeline netwerk of about 400km. The dams were sited in two rivers catchments of Laminga and shen, with dendritic features of first to four stream order the reflected diversity of the hydrological attribute of the basin. A concentrated centre of the metropolis have optimal and intermediate pipe transmission lines between 1-30 m and 31-100m safe buffer zone while large concentration far from the city centre lack pipe transmission lines.recommendation are made on maintenance, replacement of pipes and periodic extension of pipelines distribution for water supply in Jos-metropolis


Coverage, distribution, Jos-metropolis, municipal, pipelines, transmission lines, water supply


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