E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

'l Can't Read', lmplication for 'Literacy for All' Policy in Rivers State

Ethel Innocent Amadi Ph.D, Jason Osai O. Ph.D


The 2023 'International Literacy Day' celebration brought to limelight the magnitude of the number of non-literate Nigerian adults, that is those that cannot read and write. The figure is staggering. This paper investigates the issue of l Can't Read among students, and the implication for the quest for literacy for all global citizens. It examines the various challenges this can pose, and the remediation for illiteracy in public secondary schools in Rivers State. The paper adopted Social Learning theory and the descriptive research design. Data was derived through triangulation, both primary and secondary data was utilized, in addition to content method of data analysis. The findings reveals that some persons have gone through the schooling process without acquiring the basic skills of reading and writing, and this has dented the drive for literacy for all citizens. The paper concluded that there has to be a change of narrative to reduce the number of illiterate adults in the state. Also the public school system has to undergo some revolutionary changes before any lasting academic career structure can be built for those students that 'Can't Read'. It recommends that the act of reading and writing should be prioritized, this requires the educational authorities going back to the drawing board to officially re-introduce remedial classes at the junior secondary school level to help brush up those experiencing inability to read and write, so as to stem the tide of the statement, 'l have finished', but 'l can't read' among students.


Reading, Writing, Literacy, Illiteracy, Education, Can't Read


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