International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 10 NO. 2 2024

Excel As an ICT Tool For Increasing Teacher Proficiency Towards Quality Education: A Panacea for Addressing Challenges Confronting Nigeria Education System

Garba Alhaji Muhammad, Abba Adamu, Shehu Idris Zubair, Huzaifa Abba Usman


The importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education has attracted the attention of both educators and administrators all over the World. Many and different ICT tools have been used by teachers especially in teaching and learning process, these include hardware and software. Teachers need to acquaint themselves with various ICT skills around to make their work efficient and contain the challenges pose by the ever increasing number of students; in terms of computation of result, preparation of result sheet and academic status for prompt decision making. Most researches conducted especially in Nigeria are geared towards investigating how ICT impacts teaching and learning, utilization and readiness of teachers to use ICT in teaching and learning, However, researches on developing teachers’ proficiency on ICT tools specifically, especially in Nigeria are limited based on the knowledge of the researchers. It is against this backdrop that the researchers demonstrated some of the usage and benefit of excel as an ICT tool, for result computation, score sheet preparation and ranking. The paper recommended among the others; the need for proficiency training for teachers especially on excel programme and the need to encourage teachers to incorporate ICT tools such as excel in their computations.


ICT, Excel formula, teacher Proficiency, demonstration, benefit of excel.


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