International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024

Lived Experiences of Students and Teachers in Virtual Mentorship in Undergraduate Research: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study

Bejec, Analie C., Federiso, Lanie Joy M., Lurot, Alyssa Mae O., Syting, Christian Jay O.


This transcendental phenomenological study aimed to uncover the students' and teachers' lived experiences in virtual mentorship in undergraduate research. Ten participants were interviewed: Five (5) students and five (5) teachers. Using Colaizzi’s strategy, in terms of lived experiences, the positive lived experiences of the students involved efficient feedback system, the use of varied materials, enhancement of self-efficacy among mentees, and enhanced class participation while their negative lived experiences involved lack of psychosocial support, the mentor's unavailability, and poor classroom engagement. On the other hand, teachers’ positive lived experiences involved mentors' readiness in preparation for online mentorship, adapting communication and learning platforms, and students' strong sense of urgency while their negative lived experiences involved absenteeism, students' lack of participation, and a low sense of urgency among mentees. In terms of the insights shared, for students, for students, they involved ensuring information accuracy, credibility, and writing proficiency while teachers said that they involved enhancement of research skills, cultivating creativity and efficient learning in research engagement, and strengthening the practicality of the research study. Nonetheless, despite the challenges, they still see the bright side of the advent of virtual mentorship in undergraduate research. Hence, this is helpful to pave the way for the students, teachers, and school administrators to see its benefits and drawbacks.


lived experiences, teachers and students, transcendental phenomenological,


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