Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )

E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 10 NO. 1 2024

Job Security and Employee Engagement in Teaching Hospitals in South-South Nigeria

Baridam, Letam (Ph.D), Ogbonda, Enyinda.H. (Ph.D)


This research investigated the relationship between job security and employee engagement in teaching hospitals in South-south Nigeria; assessing the extent to which measures such as dedication, vigour and absorption are influenced or impacted by job security. The correlational design was adopted as the research design for the research, and data was obtained using the structured questionnaire from 124 staff in 7 teaching hospitals in South-south Nigeria. The Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficient was utilized in the test for the hypotheses of the study; with all relationships observed to be significant and positive in nature. The findings showed that job security significantly contributes toward improving employee engagement, enhancing the extent to which workers are dedicated, vigorous and also absorbed in their roles and the organization. Going by the findings, it was concluded that the perceptions and assurance of job security, positively drive the engagement of the employees. It was in this vein recommended that work arrangements and the structuring of such emphasize on the workers significance and relevance to the organization.


Job security, employee engagement, dedication, vigour, absorption, teaching hospitals in South-south Nigeria


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