International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 9 2023

Factors Determining Students' Enrolment in Forestry Studies in the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State

Oyedare O. O., Ogunjinmi, O. O., Odunola A. O.


This research study aimed to investigate the determinants of students' enrolment in forestry studies in the University of Ibadan. The study also explored the influence of gender and socioeconomic status on enrolment decisions and identified the challenges faced by forestry students. Data for this study was collected through questionnaires distributed to 80 forestry students enrolled in the Forest Production and Products and Social and Environmental Forestry departments. The collected data were analyzed using various statistical methods, including frequency, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and chi-square test. The findings of the study revealed that the majority of forestry students at the University of Ibadan are male, indicating potential gender imbalances within the program. However, gender did not have a significant influence on the enrolment decision in forestry. On the other hand, socioeconomic status was found to be a determining factor, suggesting that students' financial backgrounds and social circumstances play a role in their decision to pursue forestry. Furthermore, the study identified several challenges faced by forestry students. Poor funding for forestry students emerged as a significant issue, potentially hindering students' access to resources and opportunities within the program. In addition, students reported experiencing high levels of stress and health impacts, highlighting the need for support systems and interventions to address these concerns.


Mentorship, Environmental Awareness, Conservation, Forestry Curriculum, Agroforestry, Collaboration


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