International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 7 2023

Improving Quality Educational Administration and Management for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

Audu Godwin Ankeli (PhD)


Focusing on how to improve the quality of educational administration and management for sustainable national development in Nigeria, the study implicated the fact that once quality education is assured, the outcome of it is development. Discussion in the paper pointed out the fact that school administrators and managers have a lot to do for schools to achieve their goal of ensuring quality education. It is however noted in tertiary institutions that despite accreditation instituted they are found wanting in the area of ensuring improved quality education and hence stunted development observed over the years. Corruption and examination malpractice are identified to be rubbishing every efforts made towards attainment of improved quality education that could guarantee sustained national development in Nigeria. It was recommended that accreditation exercise in tertiary institutions be strengthened and as well extended to primary and secondary schools to help in instilling consciousness on the managers and other stake holders. That school managers or administrators should be monitored to ensure that they faithfully carry out their statutory duties and that concerted efforts should be made by school proprietors, managers, teachers, parents and the society to curb corruption and examination malpractice in schools


Quality Education, Sustainable Development, Educational Administration, Educational Management, Educational Managers


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