International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 8 2023

Teacher Factors and Academic Achievement of Students in Economics in Public Secondary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria

Ileuma Esther S (Ph.D).and Adesope Akinola Olusegun


This study was carried out on teacher factors and academic achievement of students in economics in public secondary schools in Southwest, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Study population consisted of Economics teachers (6,855) and SSS2 students (289,132) in public secondary schools in Southwest, Nigeria. 840 teachers and 3500 students used as sample selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Descriptive survey design was employed. A questionnaire tagged –Teachers Factor Questionnaire, TFQ (? = .808) and an “Economics Achievement Test, EAT (KR20 = .765) were used to collect data. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results revealed poor level of students’ academic achievement in economics (x? = 1.202), low level of teacher factors such as attitude (x?= 1.900 but high level of teaching styles (x?= 3.169). Hypotheses revealed significant joint contribution of teacher factors on students’ academic achievement in Economics (F6, 833 = 9.961, P<0.05). It also revealed that teachers’ attitude, is relatively significant at P<0.05 while teachers’ educational qualification is not relatively significant on students’ academic achievement in Economics at P>0.05. It was concluded that teacher factors negatively influence students’ academic achievement in Economics in Public Secondary Schools in Southwest, Nigeria. It was recommended amongst others that teachers should be trained continuously to improve their attitude, teaching styles and qualification


Teacher Factors, Students’ Academic Achievement, Economics


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