International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 8 2023

Students' Personnel Services in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria: Bridging the Gap to Address the Needs of Nigeria Students

INEYE-BRIGS Amarachi Cynthia, PhD


To actualize the objectives of tertiary education, there should be adequate provision, allocation, and utilisation of student personal services so as to ensure a conducive and effective teaching and learning process. This paper examines ways of improving student personnel services in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Student personnel services refer to those services in the school system that aim at helping to solve students personal and social problems and care for their wellbeing. Such services include hostel accommodation, health services, financial aid, counselling services, cafeterias, classroom facilities, instructional materials, and so on. The quality of student personnel services in most tertiary institutions in Nigeria is poor, leading to overcrowded hostels and classrooms and poor attention to the counselling needs of students. Some strategies that could be adopted to improve student personnel services include the provision of adequate infrastructure and instructional materials, the provision of special grants by the government for student personnel services, the employment of qualified guidance counsellors, the staffing and equipping of school health facilities, etc. It was, however, concluded that the provision of student personal services is relevant to the achievement of educational goals.


Students', Personnel Services, Tertiary Institutions


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