E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v9.no6.2023.pg58.66

Spatio-Temporal Variability of Vehicular Noise Pollution across different Days of the Week in Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria

Rabo Yakubu, Dangana Kudu, Jiya Solomon


This study investigated the spatio-temporal variability of vehicular noise pollution across different days of the week in Suleja town, Niger State, Nigeria. The study used experimental technique to arrive at its finding. The vehicular noise was measured using the noise level meter at 30 different junctions and roundabouts made up of 6 roads and 5 junctions and roundabouts each. The roads were classified as Trunk A (federal road), Trunk B (state road) and Trunk C (neighborhood road) respectively. The study carried out traffic counts of vehicles using the Septa Square 15-minute measurement period to understand the volumes of vehicles in relation to noise generated on each road. The Geographic Information System was used to identify the locations of the purposively selected junctions and roundabouts. Findings showed that the day with the highest vehicular noise pollution was Monday having noise level of 103.3dB. This was seconded by Saturday having vehicular noise pollution of 103.2dB and thirdly by Tuesday having vehicular noise level of 102dB. The day with lowest vehicular noise pollution level was Wednesday having noise pollution rate of 94.8dB respectively. The result of tested hypothesis indicated that there was no significant difference in vehicular noise pollution across different days of the week. However, the study has recommended that commercial motorcycle (Okada) should be banned in Suleja city and heavy- duty vehicles should only be allowed to move during the night period in order to decongest the roads and reduce noise pollution level in Suleja town, Niger State, Nigeria.


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