E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v9.no6.2023.pg1.18

Environmental Safety Awareness, Extension and Agricultural Development in Nigeria

Etim, Ofem Usang , Okoi, Kennedy Obu , Yahaya, Mohammed and Ntui, Oliver Effiong


This study examined Environmental Safety Awareness, Extension and Agricultural Development in Nigeria. The objectives were to; review the sociocultural factors influencing farmers disposition to environmental safety and awareness in Nigeria, assess the level of environmental safety awareness among farmers and extension agents, identify the role of farm safety awareness agencies/organisation in the world with that of Nigeria, highlight the importance of safety awareness to agricultural development and determine the constraints to effective safety awareness in Nigeria agricultural development. The study observed that; Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Health insurance, use of opinion leaders, and rural farmers cooperatives were sociocultural factors that influence farmer’s disposition to environmental safety awareness. the study identified safety agencies in Australia to include; The National Center for Farmer Health, Tripple Zero, Work-safety Victoria, Farm Safety Australia. Farm Safety Agencies in Nigeria includes; The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, The Federal Ministry of Health, among others while Non–Governmental Organizations (NGOs) included; Safety Awareness and environmental Support Initiative, Farm Awareness for Food Preservation Initiative (FAFPI), and Safe Food and Feed Foundation. The benefit of having an environmental safety awareness programme for farmers and the extension system include; to promote and encourage good farm safety behaviour, particularly around tractors and machinery, livestock, slurry, and work at height and improving the health facilities and making it accessible and affordable for farmers and extension. The study recommended that government and agricultural agencies should increase their level of safety awareness for farmers and the extension system.


Environment, Safety, Agricultural Safety, Safety Awareness, Agricultural Development


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