E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 9 NO. 5 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v9.no5.2023.pg101.114

Empowering Indigenous Communities in Oil Producing Areas Through First Responder Training: A Path to Awareness, Safety And Sustainability: A Study Of Bodo Remediation, Gokana L.G.A, Rivers State, Nigeria

Baala, Gawuga Thompson (PhD), Duune, Mary


Oil spill poses a major threat to the environment in which it is released if not properly checked and effectively managed. The place and role of a first responder is a coveted one for a timely and adequate response to oil spill and other environmental disaster. Using the Stakeholder Theory, this study examines the impacts of providing first responder training for residents of oil-producing communities. Statistically, about 1600 indigenes of Bodo were trained for phase 1 and 2 Bodo Remediation exercise. This study evidently shows that the response time to oil spills has improved which shows that the training enhanced the emergency response, safety awareness and environmental sustainability. The training also helped in building capacity and enhanced preparedness of individuals for swift and effective emergency response as well as community cohesion against environmental disaster. The study uses historical design method which draws on both primary and secondary data. The study concludes that first responder training programme should be advocated in order to empower affected communities to respond and contain timeously disaster which may occur in the course of exploring and exploiting natural resources for the well- being of all stakeholders.


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