E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 9 NO. 5 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/0.56201/ijgem.v9.no5.2023.pg1.15

Analysis of Intermediate Means of Transportation (IMT) in Burra District of Ningi Local Government, Bauchi State

Nasiru Barau Ningi, Tata Duala, Mukhtar Shehu Abdullahi


The study area consist of seven wards which were categorised according to their accessibility to road before selection of a representation from each category. The IMT owned, showed that Burra (good access) has the highest number of motorcycle, horse and wheelbarrow followed by Kafin Lemo (moderately access) then Kurmi (poor access) with the least. IMT used for trip to farm was found that in Burra, majority used motorcycle followed by bicycle, then Animal drawn. Most of the activities done with IMT by rural dwellers for trip to farm in dry season is to convey manure from home to farm and collection of animal feeds from farm to home, while in rainy season IMT is used to transport harvested produce from farm to market or home. The used of IMT as the means of transport in the area act as an avenue for employment as well as source of income to individuals. The result of the formulated Hypothesis showed a statistically significant relationship between the types of IMT used and the road access, that is motorcycle at Burra; p = 0.014, bicycle p = 0.031 and animal drawn p = 0.005. At Kafin Lemo; motorcycle p = 0.012, bicycle p = 0.037 and animal drawn p = 0.009, and at Kurmi; motorcycle p = 0.010, bicycle p = 0.042 and animal drawn p = 0.014. This relationship implies that motorcycles were frequently used in good access and moderate roads than poor access; while bicycles and animal drawn were used frequently in poor access than good and moderate roads. However, there is no statistically significant relationship at Burra on; Horse p = 0.0580, Donkey p = 0.615, Camel p = 0.675 and Wheelbarrow p = 0.568. At Kafin Lemo Horse p = 0.0582, Donkey p = 0.614, Camel p = 0.677 and Wheelbarrow p =


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