International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 7 2023

Examining the challenges of Non-Physics majors teaching Physics curriculum contents in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria

Dr. Aderonmu, T.S. B. & Dr. Adolphus, T.


The study was conducted to examine the challenges of Non-Physics majors teaching Physics curriculum contents in secondary schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Mixed method research design was adopted for the study. The participants consisted of 52 Non-Physics major Physics teachers obtained using a purposive sampling method. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using Interview Template for Non-Physics Major Teachers Teaching Physics and Non-Physics Major Teachers Teaching Physics Questionnaire (NPMTTPQ) [r = 0.79]. Data was analyzed using frequency count, percentage and mean. The findings of the study revealed that 21.5% of non- Physics major teachers teaching Physics are very knowledgeable about the Physics curriculum content while 27.9% had knowledge of the Physics curriculum content and 50.6% had little knowledge of the Physics curriculum content. It was also revealed that there was inadequate learning materials and practical apparatus and technology facilities for the teaching of the Physics curriculum content among others. The study recommended that in-service refresher courses and development trainings, adequate learning materials and practical apparatus and technology facilities as well as effective administrative support towards the teaching of the Physics curriculum content by non-Physics major teachers teaching Physics.


Non-Physics majors, Physics, Curriculum, Contents, Teachers


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