International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 6 2023

Education and Value Re-Ordering of Nigerian Youths in a Multicultural Society

Sylvanus P. Idiong, PhD., Uju Esther Moneme, PhD., Ifiok E. Dan, PhD.


The paper examined the challenges associated with values re-ordering of Nigerian youths in a multicultural society. The researcher employed the philosophical methods of critical reflections, analysis and speculation. Data were sourced from secondary data such as print materials, online journals and articles. The paper is relevant to stakeholders in education, namely, Government, Ministry of Education at various levels, Educationists, Teachers, Managers and Planners of school as well as Parents. Given the numerous contemporary issues in a multicultural Nigerian society, it is the position of the researcher that values should be re- evaluated and re-ordered. Such necessary steps would help savage the Nigerian youths from total collapse inspite of the significant progress in science and technology. Moreso this will offer Nigerian youths right ethical foundation for education.


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