E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2023

Strategic Procurement Initiatives and Logistics Performance in Nigeria

Dr Effa, Godwin Assam (Ph.D), Dr Ovharhe, Orugba Harry (Ph.D), Prof Ezirim, Aloy Chinnedu (Ph.D), Prof. Igwe, Sunny


This study investigated the strategic procurement initiatives and logistics performance in Nigeria. The study adopted analytical cross sectional design and correlation design. Randomized quota of business owners from ten selected logistics on basis of accidental sampling technique and quota sampling method was utilized for the study. A total population of 400 and sample size of 200 was determined using Slovin's Formula at 0.05 level of significance. The 200 copies of questionnaire were administered, only 196 was deem fit after processing, retriever, coding and cleansing. The Parallel reliability was used to determine the consistency of the instrument that results to 95.50 (0.955). Two research questions and two hypotheses were raised which was tested with parametric measurement using Pearson Product Moment Correlation because of its monotonic functionvia SPSS 25 version. From the findings, procurement sustainability initiatives concept strongly correlates with the logistic performance proxies. Hence, procurement initiatives and e-procurement significantly facilitates the effectiveness and efficiency of logistic performance. Hence, it was revealed that the alternate hypotheses were accepted. Based on the findings and conclusion, this study contributes to the knowledge that e-procurement facilitate logistics performance. It could be recommended that management of logistics firms should adopt strategic initiatives to enhance logistics performance in the area of cost savings; adopting and implementing initiatives such as outscoring, groups purchasing organization, just-in-time and suppliers management relationship.


Procurement Initiatives, Supply Chain Management, E-Procurement, Logistics Performance


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DOI: 10.3390/su14106225

