International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Social Change and the Big Brother Nigeria Fandom: Implication on National Values

Adooh Tambari PhD, Daniel Happiness V.


There is a wide variety of reality shows in Africa. In this era of globalization, modern media had brought about social change and Africa's indigenous moral values and socio-cultural norms were in deep crisis. Reality shows in Africa have deepened this crisis. The moral values of decency, chastity, celibacy, and communion were sacrificed on the altar of promiscuity, romance, prostitution, and individualism. It follows from this that young Africans who form the media base of reality shows have been exposed to non-African values. Building on this publication, this study seeks to investigate the influence of Big Brother Nigeria on Nigerian national values. The study is an attempt to show how modern media has brought about social change among Nigerian youth. The study is a qualitative research that relies mainly on secondary sources for data collection and analysis. The article adopted cultivation theory to describe how BB Naija's immoral scenes negatively affected the fan community. The document concluded that the modernization of African media has not only eroded fundamental African values, but has also negatively affected national development


fandom, BBN, values, protest, media, communication


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