International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Rural –Urban Migration of Teachers in Rivers State Universal Basic Education (2016-2021)

Iyaye Joseph Nyengiala


The study captioned “Rural-Urban Migration of Teachers in Rivers State Universal Basic Education (2016-2021)” was carried out to examine migration of rural teachers to urban areas, it is believed that migration of teachers from the rural to urban areas leaves the students with some set-backs such as disruption of learning, loss of learning opportunity among others, with dire consequences of poor academic performance and other social vices. The study aims at unraveling the factors responsible for teacher’s migration from the rural areas to the urban areas. The study is a qualitative research with a theoretical approach and utilized descriptive research design. Pull and Push theory of Ernest Ravenstein (1885) was adopted as the theoretical framework for the study. Data was elicited through secondary sources and the study employed content analysis to analyze the qualitative study. Findings from the secondary sources revealed that teachers are pushed out from hostile working conditions such as Crime and insecurity, poor infrastructure, lack of professional advancement, and favorable conditions in external location pull them in also majority of the rural teachers are urban dweller. In line with the findings above, the study recommends the emergence of actors such as the recruitment agencies to capitalize on the correct recruitment of teachers, as well as their posting/placement. Also vacancies and posting for next recruitment should be strictly based on place of abode and not by Local Government Area as was previously done in 2013 Rivers State teachers’ recruitment, this will make teachers more productive at their posted area without migrating


Migration, Teachers, Education, Social Infrastructure.


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