International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 9 NO. 3 2023

Influence of Classroom Management Practices on Students’ Academic Achievement in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Bauchi State

Gambo Alhaji Danladi, Zuwaira A. Abdullahi


The performance of learners in public senior secondary schools in Bauchi State has consistently been low for a long time. There are many factors that may have contributed to the low performance in the State. However, the influence of classroom management practices on the students` academic performance is a matter that has not been given attention. The study sought to assess the influence of the classroom management practices on the learners' academic achievements in public senior secondary schools in Bauchi State. The specific objectives for the study were; to assess the influence of classroom management on students' academic achievement; to find out how instructional supervision affects students' academic achievement. The target population for the study was 11 public senior secondary Schools, 206 principals and teachers. Out of the number 31 principals and teachers were sampled using stratified random sampling. To be ensure the validity of the instruments, both face and content validity was used. A reliability of 0.67 and 0.69 was obtained with the teachers` questionnaire. Data was collected by use of structured questionnaire. Data was grouped, coded, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the teachers' questionnaire. The study established that classroom management practices had an impact on learner’s academic achievement in teaching methodologies and therefore leading to little impact on the learners' achievement. Instructional supervision done by principals brought a positive impact towards learner’s achievement as this can make sure that teachers were able to complete the class syllabus. Most of the principals did not employ walking in class method during lessons to ascertain whether what was in the schemes was taught in the classes. This study recommends that classroom discipline management practices should be enhanced in order to realize better results, principals should go beyond just the norm


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