Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )

E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Sustainable Energy Supply: Solar Energy Adoption as a Veritable Alternative for Economic Growth in Nigeria

Damian-Okoro, Inetimi, Roseline (PhD), Ikegwuru, Mac-Kingsley (PhD)


The current electricity power supply to Nigerians has been grossly inadequate and does not meet the minimum international standards of electricity services. There have been power failures or outages which does not promote development in both the private and public sectors of the economy. This present study seeks to extend the existing literature by investigating the influence of solar energy adoption (SEA) on economic growth (EG) in Nigeria. Data was drawn through questionnaire from 180 employees of 4 Local Government Areas in Rivers State. The sample for the study was decided on through the use of the simple random sampling technique, and analysed by means of simple regressions method. The study found that solar energy adoption has significant influence on gross domestic products (GDP) and human development index (HDI). Therefore, the study concludes that, solar energy adoption significantly influence economic growth in Nigeria, and recommends amongst others that Policymakers should key in effectively to sustainable energy programs that will engender GDP and HDI in order to drive citizens towards positive creativity that will increase the country’s GDP and HDI and accelerate economic growth.


Gross domestic product, Human development index, Economic growth, Solar energy,


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