E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 6 NO. 2 2022
Atuo Eucharia Chinasa
Social media marketing techniques are effective tools in building communities and other climes. Social media marketing techniques have become vital tools for individuals, organizations, private and public sectors to communicate and interact with one another. It further helps various governments and organizations to operate an open system that embraces openness, participation, and collaboration with the citizens. Social media marketing techniques also offers opportunities for government to solve its challenges of increasing national transparency and as well as improve citizen’s engagement. The study is a theoretical study that attempts to examine social media marketing techniques as contribution to transparency and nation-building. This paper discusses the need for social media marketing techniques in enhancing transparency and nation-building in Nigeria. The paper further concludes that a social media marketing technique within the context of transparency and nation building is seen as a veritable tool for nation building and national development in Nigeria. We recommend that government should establish the use of social media platforms and in all public offices and institutions to create a social bonding between government, citizens, and employees to achieve peace and national security and hereby enhance nation building
Social Media Marketing Techniques, Transparency, and Nation building
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