International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 8 NO. 7 2022
DOI: 43.49

Relationship between Social Counselling Needs of Students and their Social Behaviour in Junior Secondary Schools in Taraba State

Dr. Amuche, Chris Igamu & Mbakwe, Blessing


This study examined the relationship between social counselling needs and students’ social behaviour in junior secondary schools in Taraba State, Nigeria. One research question was framed while one corresponding hypothesis was formulated and tested for the study. From a population of 51,067 Junior Secondary School 2 (JSS 2) students in public secondary schools, a sample of 1129 JSS 2 students comprising of 569 male and 560 female was selected using Multi- stage sampling technique. The correlational survey design was used for the study. One instrument was utilized for data collection: a questionnaire tagged Social Behaviour Rating Scale (SBS). The reliability of the SBS was obtained using Cronbach’s Alpha which yielded coefficient alpha value of 0.83. Pearson’s product Moment Correlation and Ordinary Linear Regression were used for data analysis. The study found that there is a positive and high relationship (r = 0.62) between social counselling needs of students and their social behaviour in JSS in Taraba State. The study concludes that social counselling needs, significantly predicts students’ social behaviour. The study recommends that counsellors in Junior Secondary Schools should pay more attention to social counselling of students as this will equip them with issues relating to life and social behaviour; government should put in place effective personal social guidance and counselling and character education program in schools, so as to reduce the number of personal and social issues.


Relationship, Social Counselling needs, Social behaviour and Junior secondary school students


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