E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v8.no2.2022.pg20.35

Perceptions of Climate Risks, Socio-Environmental Impacts and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of Market Gardeners in the Lowlands of Nédialpoun, Zoula Village (Burkina Faso)



Lowlands are seasonal wetlands in Burkina Faso. They are heavily exploited by rural populations. However, the lowlands, including Nedialpoun, are subject to the effects of climate variability. The objective of this study is to determine the perceptions of climate risks, their socio-environmental effects and the adaptation strategies promoted by market gardeners to cope with them. To this end, primary and secondary data were collected. The study revealed that market gardeners perceive climate risks through increased pockets of drought, flooding, extreme temperatures and high winds. However, these perceptions are influenced by the socio-demographic characteristics of the vegetable farmers. Perceived climate risks have socio-environmental consequences, including reduced vegetable yields, a 10% reduction in the market gardeners' budget, reduced social expenditure, increased vegetable diseases and pests, increased soil erosion and reduced moisture in the lowland. Market gardeners have therefore deployed several strategies, the most common of which are: the use of pesticides and the multiplication of wells, the use of organic manure and the intensive use of fertilisers. It would therefore be useful for communal authorities to strengthen the adaptation strategies of market gardeners in order to help them cope with climate risks sustainably.


climate risks, socio-environmental consequences, adaptation strategies, Burkina Faso


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