E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v8.no2.2022.pg1.12

Evaluation of Spoilage Mould and Nutrient Composition of Oil Palm Fruit

Wekhe E.O. , Chuku E.C. and Chibuike, P. M


Research on the nutrient composition of palm fruit and the associated spoilage mould was carried out in Plant Science and Biotechnology and Microbiology Departments in Rivers State University. Fresh palm fruit was purchased from mile 3 market in Port Harcourt. The fruits were washed and sent for nutrient analysis while the other fruits were kept until visible symptoms of diseases were noticed. Proximate analysis revealed that the palm fruit had a moderate moisture content (9.3%), high lipid content (31.95%), and high fibre content (35.15%), carbohydrate and protein values were (12.45%) and (5.5%) respectively. The vitamins composition recorded (151.01%) for Vitamin A and (45.15%) for Vitamin B. Phytochemicals were also present in appreciable amounts. Carotenoids recorded (33.45%), Polyphenols (7.88%). Oil characteristics value showed that saponification had the highest value (201.75%) while peroxide had the least value of (1.93%). Saturated fatty acids were palmitic acid (44.05%), oleic acid (39.24%), and linoleic acid (10.12%). Rhizopus was the only fungal pathogen identified in this study.


Nutrient composition, oil palm fruit and spoilage moulds.


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