E-ISSN 2504-883X
P-ISSN 2695 2432
VOL. 8 NO. 2 2022

Conflict Management Strategies and Farmers-Herders’ Conflict in Benue State, Nigeria, 2011-2021

Barango-Tariah, Soye. A, Akujuru, Chukwunuye , Ogele, Eziho Promise


The study examined conflict management strategies and farmers-herdsmen conflict in Benue State, 2011-2021. Farmers-herders conflict, a new normal of the wave of Nigeria’s internal violence is one of the major challenges that have threatened the security and unity of Nigeria resulting in a significant increase in the number of cases associated with natural resource conflicts. At present, Benue state could be regarded as the epicentre of the conflict. Attacks in Benue State villages have resulted in several deaths and the destruction of properties. The study adopted Conflict, Frustration-Aggression and Eco-Violence theories as its theoretical construct. The study adopted a triangulation method of data gathering technique. A sample size of 399 was determined using the Taro Yamane formula. 378 copies of questionnaires were distributed across the three local governments, namely Logo, Guma and Agatu (regarded as epicentres of violent attacks by herdsmen) from each of the three senatorial districts of Benue State. Tables, percentages and bar charts were used in the presentation of data. The study revealed that the major cause of the conflict between farmers and herdsmen in Benue State is land; the conflict management strategy (style) adopted by farmers and herders during conflict situations is the forcing or competition strategy, whereas the Federal Government and security agencies employ the avoidance strategy, among others. Also, the study concludes that there is a significant relationship between conflict management strategies and farmers-herders conflict in Benue State, among others. Consequently, the recommends amongst others a collaborative initiative such as setting up conflict management committees by the government to include farmers and herdsmen; the rule of law should prevail.


Benue State, conflict, conflict management, farmers, herdsmen, trespass


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