E-ISSN 2504-8821
P-ISSN 2695-1878
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijgem.v8.no1.2022.pg77.87

Seasonal Variability of Air Quality Index (AQI), Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) and Weather Parameters of Minna Town, Niger State, Nigeria

Nwaerema P., Fred-Nwagwu, W. F., Jiya S. N., Liman, H. M., Dangana K.,Adama, C.K., Olubadewo-Joshua, O.


This study investigated seasonal variability of Air Quality Index (AQI), Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) and weather parameters of Minna Town, Niger State, Nigeria. The study used secondary climatic data from IQ Air Earth (https://www.iqair.com/earth?nav) used for air quality monitoring and compared them with multiple sources such as real-time data from governments. The findings indicated that dry season had maximum of 137 AQI value and minimum of 64 AQI. Dry season had maximum Particulate Matter [PM2.5] value of 20.1µg/m3 and minimum value of 7.1µg/m3 with a range value of 13µg/m3 and the wet season had maximum Particulate Matter [PM 2.5 ] value of 19.1 µg/m 3 and minimum of 10.1µg/m 3 with a range of 9µg/m 3 . Temperature had maximum value of 29 0 C and minimum value of 23 0 C with a range of 6 0 C during the dry season and wet season temperature had maximum value of 28 0 C and minimum value of 21 0 C with a range of 7 0 C. During the wet season, humidity had maximum value of 97% and minimum value of 72% with a range of 25% and in the dry season, humidity had maximum value of 89% and minimum value of 67% with a range of 22%. Thus, during the dry season, wind speed had maximum value of 11.2Km/h and minimum value of 5.7Km/h with a range of 5.5Km/h and in the wet season, wind speed had maximum value of 8.1Km/h and minimum value of 2.6Km/h with a range of 5.5Km/h. During the wet season air pressure had maximum value of 1015mb and minimum value of 1009mb with a range of 6mb. While during the dry season, air pressure had maximum value of 1014mb and minimum value of 1011mb with a range of 3mb. It is recommended that government and private partners should set-up functional weather stations and individuals should limit outdoor activities during harsh weather periods.


Air Quality Index (AQI), Humidity, Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ), Pressure, Season, Temperature, Wind


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