E-ISSN 2695-1886
P-ISSN 2672-4979
VOL. 8 NO. 3 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56201/ijbfr.v8.no3.2022.pg115.127

Risk Assets Quality and Profitability of Listed Commercial Banks in Nigeria Stock Exchange

Ebieri JONES, Ihechinyerem Chidozie OHIAGU, Grace Nkechi EKWONYE and Chinatu UBALI


The dynamics in banking business had made their function of financial intermediation susceptible to inherent systemic risks and uncertainties as the role strictly require banks to ensure depositors’ funds are not endangered based on economic consequences it portends. The study therefore investigated risk assets quality and profitability of listed commercial banks in Nigeria and adopted ex post facto research design. It engaged non-probability sampling technique and purposively used 5 top banks licensed with international authorization. It collected relevant data from annual reports of these banks covering 2009 to 2018, a post banking sector consolidation era after the world financial crisis. Risk assets ratio and loan deposit ratio were derived and used as joint proxies for risk assets quality whereas log of profit after tax represented the dependent variable. It engaged panel data regression to evaluate the variables. It established that 64.4% of the total variation in profitability was attributable to risk assets quality of the banks. It proved risk assets ratio and loan deposit ratio has positive and negative significant effect on profitability of the banks respectively. The result further gave evidence that each bank maintained risk assets quality that has significant effect of their respective profit after tax during the period and concluded that risk assets quality has significant effect on profitability of commercial banks in Nigeria. It therefore recommended that management of banks should sustain appropriate risk assets ratio, maintain suitable loan deposit maturity profile and enhance its services to attract depositors.


Risk assets quality, Risk assets ratio, Loan Deposit ratio, Profitability, Commercial banks.


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