Journal of Business and African Economy (JBAE )

E-ISSN 2545-5281
P-ISSN 2695-2238
VOL. 8 NO. 1 2022

Human Capital Development and Employee Retention: Examining the Moderating Role of Corporate Culture in Nigerian Insurance Industry

Don-Solomon, Amakiri Ph.D & Michael Joshua Ayawei


Human Capital Development and Employee Retention are major corporate challenges; hence, their link was investigated. Training and coaching were used as scope for the predictor variable to establish the extent of relationship with the mono-construct employee retention criterion variable. The study adopts the cross sectional survey design amongst 204 workers of 8 registered insurance firms through questionnaire. Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient and Partial Correlation Coefficient were key statistical instruments used for analysis. Revealed result shows a momentous link in human capital development and employee retention. Training and coaching also strongly correlate with employee retention. Corporate culture equally moderates the association between human capital development and employee retention. On the above premise the scholars advice operators of firms to be deliberate by voting in reasonable fund to human capital up-scaling to enhance their commitment to firm, with scholarly evidence as an effective employee retention strategy; employees trained and developed by firms tend to feel indebted to the organization which make them normatively committed to the organization in essence disabusing their intention to leave the firm.


Human Capital Development, Employee Retention, Training, Coaching.


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