International Journal of Education and Evaluation (IJEE )

E-ISSN 2489-0073
P-ISSN 2695-1940
VOL. 8 NO. 4 2022

Education and Sustainable National Development in Nigeria: Problems and Solutions

Adesope, Akinola Olusegun Odekunle, Adebola Adigun


Nigeria as a developing nation needs to improve her education system for a meaningful sustainable national development. This paper attempts to explain the concept of education, the concept of sustainable national development and relationship between education and sustainable national development. It provide an insight into various challenges confronting education in Nigeria such as shortage of teachers, inadequate and poor infrastructures, overcrowded classrooms among others. It finally suggested way on how to solve these challenges confronting education in Nigeria. Among these are provisions of conducive atmosphere for learning, allocation of enough funds for educational development, setting up a trustworthy committee that will manage and supervise education, motivate teachers etc.


Education; Sustainable Development; Teacher Education; Infrastructure


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