E-ISSN 2545-5273
P-ISSN 2695-2173
VOL. 6 NO. 1 2022

Supply Chain Management Practices and Marketing Performance of Boutiques in Port Harcourt

Poi, Elizabeth Ledisi, Stephen Owuso & Amadi, Nkiruka Jessica


Due to the globalization of markets world over, supply chain management practices have become conduits for high marketing performance for business organizations. This study examined the influence of supply chain management practices on marketing performance of Boutiques in Port Harcourt. A quantitative and causal research design was adopted to take on board the four (4) hypotheses formulated for the study. The population of this study consists of eight hundred and eighty-nine (889) registered Boutiques in Port Harcourt, whose authentic list was derived from the Business Directory of the Rivers State Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and sample size of two hundred and sixty-nine (269) was attained with the Krejcie and Morgan table. A self-structured questionnaire designed in the five-point Likert scale was used to obtained primary data from five hundred and thirty-eight (538) respondents (key informants; sales representatives and customer relationship managers), purposely chosen from the selected two hundred and sixty-nine (269) Boutiques, through a cross-sectional survey. The face validity of the questionnaire was established by professionals consisting of scholars and business practitioners with adequate knowledge of the subject matter. The construct and content validity were confirmed from previous researchers who used it, with slight adjustments. The research hypotheses were tested with the simple regression technique with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. The results show that strategic supplier partnership has a very strong, significant and positive influence on customer patronage and brand awareness, and information sharing has a strong, significant and positive influence on customer patronage and brand awareness. The study therefore concludes that supply chain management practices positively and significantly influence marketing performance of Boutiques in Port Harcourt. Therefore, the study recommen


Brand Awareness, Business Performance, Customer Patronage, Information Sharing, Strategic Supplier Partnership


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Poi, E.L. & Okwa

