E-ISSN 2545-5702
P-ISSN 2695-2157
VOL. 7 NO. 1 2021

Distribution and Fluconazole Susceptibility Pattern of Fungi Isolated from Saloon Equipment in Rivers State, Nigeria

Ogbonna, S. I., Akani, N. P., Williams, J. O. andPeekate, L. P


The distribution and susceptibility pattern of fungal isolates from barbing equipment to Fluconazlole in barber shops distributed in three major cities; Bori, Omoku, and Port Harcourt in Rivers State, Nigeria were investigated. The fungal load including dermatophytes on the equipment (brush, clipper and comb) were determined using swab plate technique in which Sabouraud dextrose agar and dermatophyte test medium were used as the culture medium. Inoculated plates were incubated at 25°C. Antifungal Susceptibility testing was carried in which fluconazole was used as the antifungal agent at concentrations of 100mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 25mg/ml, and 12.5mg/ml concentration using two-fold dilution. The mean range of the fungal counts for clipper, brush and comb were: 34.34x102 to 49.0x102 CFU/cm2, 66.95 to 93.26 CFU/cm2 and 40.09 to 74.61 x102 CFU/cm2, respectively. Brush had the highest fungal counts followed by the comb while the clipper had the least fungal counts. The fungal counts recorded in brushes were significantly higher (p?0.05) than those recorded for the clippers. Total of forty-four fungal isolates belonging to six genera and their percentage occurrence include; Aspergillus flavus (11.36%) Aspergillus terrus (11.36%), Fusarium solani (22.72%), Mucor indicus (15.91%), Rhizopus nigricans (15.91%), Trichophyton rubrum (4.54%) and Penicillium italicum (18.2%). The susceptibility pattern showed that except for Trichophyton rubrum, all fungal isolates were completely inhibited at 100mg/ml concentration of fluconazole. Also, except for Mucor indicus, the Minimal inhibitory Concentration of fluconazole was recorded at 12.5mg/ml. The occurrence of these organisms in barbing equipment calls for concern and the need for regulation of the barbing industry to prevent disease outbreaks is recommended


Barbing Saloon equipment, Fungi, Dermatophytes, Fluconazole Susceptibility


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